January / Gener 2019

Destacats / Highlights
Remember when..
Fa 15 anys / 15 years ago
Fa 10 anys / 10 years ago
Fa 5 anys / 5 years ago
Novetats gener 2019 / Bird News January 2019

Destacats / Highlights

El gener comença amb la constatació de la hivernada de dues de les tres rareses més rellevants de l’hivern, amb el permís de la resta: el mosquiter de Hume al Delta del Llobregat i el botxí d’Estepa (que potser s’hauria de dir del desert segons alguns autors) al delta de l’Ebre. A sobre el dia 5.1 es troba el que podria molt bé ser un segon humei al delta del Llobregat i el conjunt de gavians continua enriquit amb argentats, caspis i gavinots. Durant el mes una Saxicola maurus, un  bec de serra gros, un cigne cantaire aterrant a Barcelona i més aquàtiques van completar un més força entretingut particularment per la costa. A finals de mes es va veure un àguila cridanera a Ivars d’Urgell, que es va veure intermitentment.

[January begins with the wintering confirmation of two out of the three rarest birds this winter: Hume’s Leaf Warbler and Steppe Grey Shrike (to be called Desert Grey Shrike perhaps according to some authors). To the surprise of everybody, on 5.1 another (very probably different) Hume’s was found at Llobregat Delta too while the numbers and diversity of large gulls remained interesting. During the rest of the month, a Siberian Stonechat, a Goosander, a Whooper Swan landing in Barcelona city and more wildfowl and gulls competed a quite interesting month, particularly along the coast. By the end of the month a Spotted Eagle was seen at Ivars d’Urgell, despite it was seen intermitently]


Remember when…

  • Fa 15 anys / 15 years ago

There were 2 adult Bewick’s Swan Cygnus columbianus near Castell del Remei, Pla d’Urgell, on 26.1.2004 (Fermí Soret, Francesc Pont,Pau Gomis).

The Aiguamolls de l’Empordà Bean Goose Anser fabalis seen in December 2003 was still there on 13.1.2004 and behaved totally wild (J.Martí-Aledo, T.Montràs, B.Minobis, P.Feliu, O.Clarabuch, S.Sales, F.López, R.Gutiérrez et al).

On 17.1.2004 there were 3 Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea at Punta del Fangar, Delta de l’Ebre, Baix Ebre (Marc Peris, Helena Giralt).The seven birds of unknown origin but believed to come from a collection since they were ringed with plastic bands seen from 20.12.2003 at PN Aiguamolls de l’Empordà turned up to be six from 13.1 (J.Martí-Aledo and others). They remained at Aiguamolls most of the month, but were seen also at Baix Empordà marshes(J.Martí-Aledo).

© Pedro Bescós 17.1.2004

A never repeated sighting was that of a (or were two?) Falcated Teal Anas falcata, the 1st for Catalunya and 2nd for Spain of a male at El Clot, PN Delta de l’Ebre from 6.1 (F.López, R.Armada,, J.Castelló, J.L.Copete) until 16.1 (David Bigas). On 17.1 a male too, the same?, was seen c.170 km N, at Ricarda lagoon, Llobregat delta, Barcelona, also associated to Red-Crested Pochards Netta rufina as in the Ebre Delta (J.Bécares, F.Pujol, R.Sanz, P.Bescós, J.Castelló, X.Larruy) See a photo below.  The bird was still there on 20.1 (R.Gutiérrez, F.López, FX Santaeufemia, A.Ramal, A.Croary, C.Ramos, R.Bastida et al) and behaved shy and wild and flew well in company of Wigeons A.penelope not showing any captivity sign at all. On 30.1 a male (the same???) was seen again at l’Encanyissada area, delta de l’Ebre where one seen from 6-16.1 (P.Feliu, J.Sargatal, H.Mas, C.Ginés et al).

The PN Aiguamolls Green-winged Teal Anas carolinensis seen intermitently since November 2003 was relocated on 2.1 at Bruel hide (Mireia Bartrons i Enric Ortega). And there was an Eider Somateria mollissima on 5.1 at Vilanova i la Geltrú harbour, Garraf (X.Martínez, X.Mañas). A Terek Sandpiper  Xenus cinereus that  was present at least since september 2003 (David Bigas) was seen again on 21.1.2004 at El Goleró, Delta de l’Ebre, Tarragona (Ferran López, Xesco Macià, Armand Ramal, Andrew Crory).

An Olive-backed Pipit Anthus hodgsoni was reported as seen and heard at close range the morning of 5.1.2004  at Riera de Sant Climent, RN Remolar-Filipines, Delta del Llobregat,Viladecans, Baix Llobregat (Jaronne Pinhassi).

A Yellow-browed Warbler Phylloscopus inornatus was first located by its call and afterwards seen at close range at Vall d’Hebron park, Barcelona on 3.1.2004 afternoon, being the 1st-ever winter record for Catalonia (José Luis Copete).

  • Fa 10 anys / 10 years ago

A 1w Tundra Swan Cygnus columbianus was seen at Segre river at Aitona, Lleida on 17.1.2009 (Marc Gálvez, Bernat Iglesias). It was seen again on 18.1 (Toni Alonso, Daniel Roca; Aleix Comas). See a photo below. It remained at the Segre river on 20.1 (Sergi Sales) and 26.1 (Marc Gálvez).Seen again on 28.1 (Sergi Sales, Ricard Gutiérrez et al.).

© Toni Alonso. 18.1.2009

The White Pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus present at Lleida during the winter moved between Montoliu dump (2.1, Marc Gálvez, Oriol Clarabuch, Maria Llover i Martí Rodríguez), Mollerussa city (6.1, Jaume Bonfil) and at Estany d’Ivars area, Ivars d’Urgell, Pla d’Urgell (8.1, Sergi Sales, Enric Morera, Marc Pérez Osanz, N.Guàrdia, N.Solà) and 9.1 (Lluis Culleré). Seen again on 23.1 at Montoliu de Lleida (TV3) and on 29.1 (Sergi Sales, Ricard Gutiérrez). See a photo below.

© Ricard Gutiérrez. 29.1.2009

On 1.1 a Sociable Plover Vanellus gregarius was relocated at Baix Empordà marshes, this time in Torroella de Montgrí (Julio Pérez Cañestro). Two Caspian Gulls Larus cachinnans were seen: one was found at Solius dump, Solius, Girona on 3.1 (Carlos Alvarez Cros) and a near-adult was found on 11.1 at Tarragona harbour, Tarragonès (Albert Cama).

A Yellow-browed Warbler Phylloscopus inornatus was reported from Gantes hide, PN Aiguamolls de l’Empordà, Girona on 25.1 (Karin Probst & Volker Probst).

Bird of the month was a Pine Bunting Emberiza leucocephalos found on 2.1 morning at Aspa, Segrià (Aleix Comas) and later seen the same day by other observers (Aleix Comas, Oriol Clarabuch, Martí Rodríguez, Marc Gálvez, Rafa Armada, Ferran López, et al.). Also seen on 3.1 (Daniel Roca et al), 4.1 (Arnau Sebé et al) and  5.1 (Ricard Gutiérrez; Daniel López Velasco, Pablo Fernández, Guillermo Rodríguez; Javier Train; Vittorio Pedrocchi) associated to Yellowhammers and Cirl Buntings  It was seen until 11.1 by many more  birdwatchers..

© Daniel Roca, 11.1.2009

  • Fa 5 anys / 5 years ago

The Bean Goose found at El Cortalet lagoon, PN Aiguamolls de l’Empordà, on 7.12.2013 remained there on 1.1.2014 (Àlex Ollé, Gabri de Jesús) and 4.1 (Ferran López et al; Bernat Iglesias). This bird remained within the Greylag Geese Anser anser overwintering flock into the January wildfowl count and was seen in the following days: 10.1 (Sergi Sales, Carolina García, Ricard Gutiérrez et al), see a photo below and 11.1 (Dani Diaz-Diethelm).

© Ricard Gutiérrez, 10.1.2014, left bird fabalis, right, anser

The ♀/1w Goosander Mergus merganser found at Manresa on 17.12.2013 at Parc de l’Agulla returned to the same site on 4.1.2014 (Marc Illa).

On 5.1 a 1w presumed male Caspian Gull was seen at river Llobregat, by the bridge under construction, El Prat de Llobregat, Barcelona (Ricard Gutiérrez). On 7.1 it was seen again (Ferran López). On 15.1.2014 there was a 1w at Blanes harbour, Girona (Marcel Gil et al).




Novetats Gener 2019 / Bird News January 2019

Latest update: 3 February 2019 / Darrera actualització: 3 de febrer 2019


  • Oca de bec curt / Pink-footed Goose Anser brachyrhynchus (n=1)

(1) Alt Empordà. The unknown origin bird first seen on 26.6.2018 at La Gallinera, Aiguamolls de l’Empordà, Alt Empordà, then in other parts of the park by el Matà area was seen at El Cortalet on 1.1 (Albert Pujols @ornitho.cat), 3.1 (Pau García Campderròs @ornitho.cat) and 4.1 (Sergi Torné @ornitho.cat). Seen again on 7.1 (Xavier Parra @ornitho.cat) and  on 13.1 (Marçal Collell @ornitho.cat),  14.1 (Sergi Sales), 16.1 (Julio Ruiz Ballesteros), 17.1 (Sergi Sales, Ricard Gutiérrez, see a photo below)and 18.1 (Xesco Puigdomenech; Oriol Clarabuch @ornitho.cat).  Still at El Cortalet on 22.1 (Ignacio López @ornitho.cat). nSeen again on 27.1 (José Manuel Arcos @ornitho.cat)

© Sergi Sales, 17.1.2019


  • Cigne cantaire / Whooper Swan  Cygnus cygnus (n=1)

(1) Barcelonès. An adult landed exhausted in downtown Barcelona on 10.1. It was collected by local Police and brought to Torreferrussa recovery center where it stayed on 15.1 awaiting recovery. It had lost weight and once it’s recovered it is expected to be released back into the wild. nThe bird remained in recovery process on 3.2 (CRFS Torreferrussa).

© Ricard Gutiérrez, 15.1.2019


  • Morell d’ulls grocs / Goldeneye Bucephala clangula (n=1)

(1) Baix Ebre The Goldeneye found at Canal Vell lagoon, Delta de l’Ebre, Baix Ebre on 20.12 was relocated at Fangar bay, Deltebre, Delta de l’Ebre on 15.1 (David Bigas).


  • Èider / Eider Somateria mollissima (n=2)

    © David Bigas, 4.1.2019

(1-2) Baix Ebre The adult drake found some time ago was still at Punta del Fangar, Delta de l’Ebre,  Baix Ebre on 1.1 together with a 2w (David Bigas, Dave McAdams, José Luís Copete). On 2.1 the adult Drake was seen from Les Olles lagoon mouth (Ricard Gutiérrez, Helena Arbonés, photo enclosed), while the bird was also seen from El Fangar (David Bigas et al) where it was photographed with the 2w bird on 4.1 (David Bigas), photo enclosed. Seen both birds on 15.1  (Toni Alonso, Dani Roca, Enric Fontcuberta, Sergi Sales, Marcel Gil, Xavi Larruy, Juan  Bécares) and 16.1 (Pau Garcia Campderròs).


© Ricard Gutiérrez, 2.1.2019


  • Bec de serra gros / Goosander  Mergus merganser  (n=1)

(1) Baix Empordà There was a drake at Basses d’en Coll, Pals, Baix Empordà, on 15.1 (Joan Estrada Jofra).


  • Cabussó gris / Red-necked Grebe Podiceps grisegena (n=1)

(1) Maresme. The grebe found on 17.12.2018 at Arenys de Mar harbour, Maresme remained at the harbour in early 2019: 1.1 (Lluís Toldrà @ornitho.cat), 2.1 (Sergi Torné, Pau Garcia Campderròs, Jaume Campderròs -photos below- ; Tomas Altes @ornitho.cat; Tomàs Montalvo; Jaroa López); 3.1 (Xavier Parra @ornitho.cat; Toni Fernández @ornitho.cat; Fran Trabalon, Gerard Dalmau), 4.1 (Antonio Rodríguez Sinovas @ornitho.cat; Narcís Garriga, Daniel Roca @ornitho.cat; Ignacio López), 5.1 (Marc Gàlvez, José Guerra) and 6.1 (Josep Bujons, Sergi Fernández).Still at Arenys the following days: 7.1 (Eulàlia Maspons @ornitho.cat, Jana Marco, photo below) and 10.1 (Daniel Roca, photo below) to 12.1 (Quique Carballal) and 13.1 (Ramón Ruiz Jarillo; Antoni Abad @ornitho.cat). Seen again on 13.1 (Xesco Puidmomenech @ ornitho.cat), 15.1 (Ricard Gutiérrez) and 16.1 (Eduard Villar) to 18.1 (Arnau Soler). Still at Arenys harbour on 20.1 (Santi Hernández, Víctor Iglesias @ornitho.cat).

© Jana Marco, 7.1.2019
© Daniel Roca, 10.1.2019


  • Cabussó orellut / Slavonian Grebe Podiceps auritus  (n=2)
© Àlex Ollé 16.1.2019

 (1) Montsià. On 1.1 a bird was reported from La Tancada lagoon, Amposta, delta de l’Ebre, Montsià (Javier Subirats, Manolo Sánchez-Blanch) but was not seen by other authors the same day nor on 2.1. On 11.1 it was seen during the January wildfowl count (David Bigas).

(2) Baix Ebre. The bird reported from L’Ampolla was seen again on 8.1 (Manolo Sánchez-Blanch). Seen again on 21-23.1 (Manolo Sánchez Blanch). nSeen again on 31.1 (Quim Minoves).

(3) Alt Empordà. On 16.1 a bird was seen at Can Comes beach, Castelló d’Empúries, PN Aiguamolls de l’Empordà (Oriol Clarabuch). Seen later by more authors (Albert Burgas, Àlex Ollé). See a record shot enclosed (Àlex Ollé).





  • Flamenc menut / Lesser Flamingo Phoeniconaias minor (n=2)

(1-2) Montsià. Two birds were found at Badia dels Alfacs, Sant Carles de la Ràpita, Delta de l’Ebre on 13.1 (Josep Tantull, Roser Solé). One was seen later near Torre de Sant Joan (Quique Carballal; Cristian Jensen). On 15.1 one was seen at Alfacs bay from Boca de la Llanada  (Toni Alonso, Daniel Roca, Enric Fontcuberta) and on 16.1 one was seen at La Tancada (Pau Garcia Campderròs; Sergi Sales). Still one present at Boca de la Llanada on 20.1 (Manolo Sánchez- Blanch).

© Josep Tantull, 13.1.2019


  • Àguila cridanera / Greater Spotted Eagle Clanga clanga (n=1)

(1) Pla d’Urgell. On 22.1 a 1w was seen at Estany d’Ivars i Vila-Sana, Pla d’Urgell (Lluís Culleré). From the photos, a possible hybrid with pomarina cannot be fully discarded. See two thumbnails enclosed. nSeen again on 28.1 (Enric Morera; Roger Guillem @ornitho.cat). On 30.1 it was seen N of Ivars lagoon (José Guerra; Juan Carlos Albero).









© Enric Morera, 28.1.2019
© Enric Morera, 28.1.2019
  • Territ fosc  / Purple Sandpiper  Calidris maritima  (n=1)

(1) Barcelonès. The bird found at Olympic harbour, Barcelona on 25.12 then present in the Barcelona beach piers during late December was seen again on 1.1.2019 (Marta Jornet), 2.1

© Sergi Torné 2.1.2019

(Pau Garcia Campderròs, Antonio Rodríguez Sinovas, Jaume Campderròs, Xavier Parra @ornitho.cat; Sergi Torné – see a photo below-, Narcís Garriga @ornitho.cat;  Oscar Bargalló @ornitho.cat) and  1 (Jonathan Skipper, Paco Torres,  Hubert Mas, Lluís-Xavier Toldrà Bastida @ornitho.cat; Fran Trabalon, Gerard Dalmau; Moisés Moreno). Searched for with no results on 4-5.1.Relocated on 6.1 (Toni Fernández, Jaume Albaigès @ornitho.cat), 8.1 (Ignacio López @ornitho.cat; Joan Ignasi Torner @ornitho.cat), 9.1 (David Cardenas, Ramon Prat, Álex Sastre @ornitho.cat; Jana Marco -photo below-, Irene Figueroa, Oriol Palau; Marc Anton @ornitho.cat), 10.1  at la Mar Bella pier (Marc Noguera, Quique Carballal, Mireia Lara), 11.1 near Torre Mapfre pier (Cristina Terraza, Quel Vilalta @ornitho.cat; Enric Morera) and 12.1 at Bogatell pier (Jaume Albaigés). More mobile during mid January. Seen again on 15.1 at Port Olímpic pier (Sergi Carreras @ornitho.cat; Guillem Izquierdo) and  16.1 (Quique Carballal, Xavi Larruy, Javier Valladares) when moved to Forum harbour.

© Jana Marco, 9.1.2019
  • Gavinot / Great Black-backed Gull Larus marinus (n=3)

(1) Alt Empordà. The 1w found on 23.12.2018 at Pedret i Marzà dump, Alt Empordà was seen again on 4.1.2019 (Joan Goy) to 5.1 (Carles Oliver). Seen again on 14.1 (Àlex Ollé) and 17.1 (Sergi Sales, Ricard Gutiérrez), see a photo enclosed.

© Ricard Gutiérrez, 17.1.2019


(2) Pla de l’Estany. On 3.1 the 1w found on 31.12 was seen at Banyoles (Fran Trabalon, Gerard Dalmau). On 6.1 morning it was still there (Gerard Dalmau). See a photo below.Seen again on 7.1 (Gerard Dalmau) and on 11.1 (Gerard Dalmau) to 12.1 (Carles Quer, David Funosas; Marc Fusellas @ornitho.cat). Seen again on 16.1 (Gerard Dalmau, see a photo enclosed). Seen again at the estany on 21.1 (Gerard Dalmau; Guillem Saguer @ornitho.cat) and on 22-23.1 too (Gerard Dalmau) to 25.1 (Guillem Saguer @ornitho.cat). nSeen again on 31.1 (Gerard Dalmau).


© Gerard Dalmau, 6.1.2019
© Gerard Dalmau, 16.1.2019
© Ferran López, 30.1.2019

n(3) Baix Llobregat. On 30.1 a 1w was found at river Llobregat under Nelson Mandela bridge, El Prat de Llobregat, Baix Llobregat (Ferran López), see two photos below. Seen later the same day (Manolo García Tarrasón).

© Ferran López, 30.1.2019


  • cf. Gavinot polar / Iceland Gull Larus glaucoides (n=1)
© Sergi Sales, 16.1.2019

(1) Baix EbreOn 16.1 a large white gull, compatible with Iceland Gull but not perfectly seen to grant 100% id, was seen at Les Olles flying inland, l’Ampolla, Delta de l’Ebre, Baix Ebre (Sergi Sales). See a record shot included. This bird had been also glimpsed on 4.1.2019 by David Bigas, again without time to have a proper confirmation of the bird id. Let’s keep an eye on large white gulls!



  • Gavià argentat de potes roses / Herring Gull  Larus argentatus (n= 17)

(1) Alt Empordà. On 4.1 (Joan Goy) and 5.1 a 1w was present at Pedret dump, Pedret i Marzà, Alt Empordà (Carles Oliver). Seen again on 20.1 (Àlex Ollé, Joan Goy @birdingemporda.com). See a photo enclosed (Àlex Ollé).

© Àlex Ollé, 21.1.2019


(2) Baix Ebre. On 3.1 a 2w was found at Les Olles lagoon mouth, Delta de l’Ebre, Baix Ebre (David Bigas), see a photo enclosed. Seen again on 11.1 (David Bigas).

© David Bigas, 3.1.2019

(3) Baix Ebre. On 5.1 a probable 4w was found at Les Olles lagoon mouth, Delta de l’Ebre, Baix Ebre (David Bigas).

(4) Tarragonès. On 6.1 an adult was seen at Tarragona harbour, Tarragonès (Matxalen Pauly @ornitho.cat). This adult remained in the harbour on 12.1 (Albert Cama, Sergi Sales, Vanessaa Cadenas, Ricard Gutiérrez). nSeen again on 22.1 when a grand total of 6 argentatus counted (Camilo Albert @ornitho.cat). Also seen on 24.1 (Camilo Albert @ornitho.cat).

© Ricard Gutiérrez, 12.1.1029

(5) Tarragonès. On 7.1 a 1w was seen at Tarragona harbour, Tarragonès (Camilo Albert @ornitho.cat). ). This bird remained in the harbour on 12.1 (Albert Cama, Sergi Sales, Vanessa Cadenas, Ricard Gutiérrez). See a photo enclosed and a video below. Two 1w were seen on 17.1  and one on 18.1 (Camilo Albert @ornitho.cat). nSeen again on 22.1 when a grand total of 6 argentatus counted (Camilo Albert @ornitho.cat). Three 1w were seen on 24.1 and this might be one of them (Camilo Albert @ornitho.cat).

© Sergi Sales, 13.1.2019

© Ricard Gutiérrez , 13.1.2019

(6) Baix Ebre. On 8.1 a different 2w from bird (2) was found also at Les Olles mouth, Delta de l’Ebre, Baix Ebre (Sergi Sales). See a photo below.

© Sergi Sales, 8.1.2019
© Sergi Sales, 8.1.2019

(7) Tarragonès. On 12.1 a new 1w was seen at Tarragona harbour, Tarragonès (Albert Cama, Sergi Sales, Vanessaa Cadenas, Ricard Gutiérrez). See a photo enclosed. Two 1w were seen on 17.1  and one on 18.1 (Camilo Albert @ornitho.cat). nSeen again on 22.1 when a grand total of 6 argentatus counted (Camilo Albert @ornitho.cat). Three 1w were seen on 24.1 and this might be one of them (Camilo Albert @ornitho.cat).

© Ricard Gutiérrez, 13.1.2019

(8) Tarragonès. On 12.1 a 2w seen previously was seen at Tarragona harbour, Tarragonès (Albert Cama, Sergi Sales, Vanessaa Cadenas, Ricard Gutiérrez). See a photo enclosed. Seen again on 22.1 when a grand total of 6 argentatus counted (Camilo Albert @ornitho.cat).

© Sergi Sales, 13.1.2019

(9) Baix Ebre. A diferent 2w (3cy) was seen on 19.1 at El Goleró area, Delta de l’Ebre, Baix Ebre (David Bigas), see two record shots included.

© David Bigas, 19.1.2019
© David Bigas, 19.1.2019

(10) Pla de l’Estany. On 21-22.1 there was a bird at Estany de  Banyoles, Pla de l’Estany (Gerard Dalmau, photo enclosed). Seen again on 25.1 (Guillem Saguer @ornitho.cat)nand on 28.1 and on 30.1 too (Gerard Dalmau).

© Gerard Dalmau, 21.1.2019

(11-12) Tarragonès. On 22.1 two new 1w were found at Tarragona harbour, when a grand total of 6 argentatus counted (Camilo Albert @ornitho.cat). Three 1w were seen on 24.1 and these might be part of them (Camilo Albert @ornitho.cat).

n(13) Baix Camp. On 23.1 a 3cy was seen at Cambrils harbour, Baix Camp (Georges Olioso @ornitho.cat).

(14) Baix Ebre. A new 1w was seen on 29.1 at El Goleró area, Delta de l’Ebre, Baix Ebre (David Bigas, see two photos below).

© David Bigas, 29.1.2019
© David Bigas, 29.1.2019

(15-16) Pla de l’Estany. On 30.1 two new birds were seen at Banyoles lake, including a bird lacking one foot (Gerard Dalmau @ornitho.cat).

(17) Baix Ebre. A new 2w was seen on 30.1 at El Goleró area, Delta de l’Ebre, Baix Ebre (Quim Minoves), see two photos below.

© Quim Minoves, 30.1.2019
© Quim Minoves, 30.1.2019


  • Gavià Caspi / Caspian Gull  Larus cachinnans  (n=6)

(1-2) Alt Empordà.  At least there were two 1w at Pedret i Marzà dump, Pedret, Alt Empordà on 4.1 (Joan Goy) and one on 5.1 (Carles Oliver). Two 2cy were seen on 14.1 (Sergi Sales, Àlex Ollé) and one on 17.1 (Àlex Ollé), see photos below.

© Àlex Ollé, 17.1.2019
© Àlex Ollé, 17.1.2019

(3) Garraf. A 3cy was present at Vilanova i la Geltrú, Garraf, on 14.1 (Albert Cama)

(4) Pla de l’Estany. On 18.1 a 1w (2cy) bird was seen at Estany de  Banyoles, Pla de l’Estany (Gerard Dalmau). Seen again on 20-21 and 25.1 (Guillem Saguer @ornitho.cat). nAnd again on 31.1 (Ponç Feliu).

(5) Baix Llobregat. On 15.1 a 1w was seen under Nelson Mandela bridge, El Prat de Llobregat, Baix Llobregat (Ferran López). nOne, perhaps this, was reported on 30.1 (Juan Miguel Díaz @ornitho.cat).

(6) Tarragonès. On 20.1 and 24.1 a 2cy was seen at Tarragona harbour, Tarragonès (Camilo Albert @ornitho.cat).


  • Botxí d’Estepa / Steppe Grey Shrike Lanius pallidirostris  (n=1)

 (1) Montsià. The 2nd for Catalunya, a 1w presumed female found on 22.11.2018 at Tancada marshes, Amposta, Delta de l’Ebre, Montsià remained there on 1.1.2019 (Javier Subirats, Manolo Sánchez –Blanch; Guillem Mayor @ornitho.cat), 2.1 (Marc Gàlvez, José Guerra; Miguel Ángel García @ornitho.cat, Víctor Iglesias; José Luís Copete, Dave McAdams; Ricard Gutiérrez, Helena Arbonés –see a photo below-); 3.1 (Enric Pena, Jofre Sendrós @ornitho.cat; Josep Bel, Marta Segarra, Jofre Sendrós, Andrea Peralta i Joan Bofarull, Edu Batista); 4.1 (Xavier Parra @ornitho.cat) and 5.1 (Irene Figueroa @ornitho.cat). Still around La Tancada hide on 7.1 (Damien Ibáñez @ornitho.cat), 8.1 (Vicente Francisco Tamarit; Ramon Prat @ornitho.cat; Ricard Gutiérrez, Sergi Sales; Xavier Yzaguirre, see a video below), 9.10 (Ricard Gutiérrez) and 10.1 (Ricard Gutiérrez; Ponç Feliu) to 12.1 (Gil Mir, Josep Calaf @ornitho.cat), 13.1 (Quique Carballal). Still present at La Tancada area on 15.1 (Jordi Jover; Toni Alonso, Daniel Roca, Enric Fontcuberta; Javier Subirats, Màrius Domingo), 16.1 (Vicente Francisco Tamarit @ornitho.cat; Ramón Ruiz Jarillo; Pau Garcia Campderròs) and 17.1 (Marc Noguera @ornitho.cat). The bird continued at La Tancada area on 19.1 (Jaione Echarte; Xavier Idígora) moving to the saltpans area, near the initial observation place from 20.1 (Ramon Prat, Pere Baucells -photo below-, Carles Martorell @ornitho.cat, Joan Pujol @ornitho.cat), 21.1 (Georges Olioso @ornitho.cat; Enric Fontcuberta, Sergi Torné, Jordi Jover R), 22.1 (Franc Escamilla @ornitho.cat), 26.1 (Josep Tantull, Roser Solé). nSeen again on 27.1 (Harold Wijts @ornitho.cat; Joan Mestre @ornitho.cat) and on 31.1 (Quim Minoves; Mayca Martí).

© Ricard Gutiérrez, 2.1.2019

© Ricard Gutiérrez, 8.1.2019

© Pere Baucells, 20.1.2019
  • Graula / Rook Crow Corvus frugileus (n=4)

(1-3) Alt Empordà . There were three at Figueres fair area on 3.1 (Albert Campsolinas @birdingempordà.com). Seen four on 16.1 (Albert Burgas, Sergi Sales, photos below) and 19.1 (Joan Ventura @ornitho.cat). There were four at Figueres on 21.1 (Àlex Ollé @birdingempordà.com). nOne was a t Crespià, Alt Empordà on 26.1 (Manel Barrios @birdingemporda.com) while four were at Les Forques, Vilafant, Alt Empordà on 28-29.1 (Albert Campsolinas @birdingemporda.com).


© Sergi Sales, 16.1.2019
© Sergi Sales, 16.1.2019
  • Cornella emmantellada / Hooded Crow Corvus cornix (n=4+)

(1-4) Baix Llobregat.On 8.1 there were two at river Llobregat sand islets, south of Nelson mandela bridge, El Prat de Llobregat, Baix Llobregat (Víctor Cañadas @ornitho.cat). One was seen near the 2017 nest on 18.1 (Sergi Sales), see a photo below. On 18.1 two birds were seen near Ànec Blau commercial center, Castelldefels (ornitho.cat). It is not clear if the two birds from the Castelldefels-Gavà area seen the last months are different from those from El Prat. Indeed, on 20.1 four birds were seen together at Polígon Industrial Pratenc, near where the pair bred in 2018, S of Nelson Mandela bridge (Ricard Gutiérrez), see two photos below.n Three were seenb by the bridge on 29.1 (Pau Esteban @ornitho.cat).

© Sergi Sales, 18.1.2019
© Ricard Gutiérrez, 20.1.2019
© Ricard Gutiérrez, 20.1.2019


  • Mosquiter comú siberià / Siberian Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita tristis (n=2)

(1) Pla de l’estany. A tristis-like  bird  was seen at Banyoles on 11.1 (Gerard Dalmau). Seen again on 20.1 (Gerard Dalmau).

(2) Baix Penedès. A grey tristis-like  bird  was seen at Les Madrigueres, El Vendrell, on 10.1  (Ramon Ruiz Jarillo).


  • Mosquiter de Hume / Hume’s Yellow-browed Warbler Phylloscopus humei (n=2)

(1) Baix Llobregat. The bird found on 22.11 at Riera de Sant Climent, Viladecans, Delta del Llobregat, Baix Llobregat was seen gain on 3.1.2019 (Mireia Lara, Sílvia Pascual, Matilde Lodner, Francina Turon, Judit Lara @ornitho.cat; Carles Oliver) to 5.1 (José Guerra, Marc Gàlvez; Ricard Gutiérrez, see photos below). Still there on 6.1 (Xavier Parra @ornitho.cat), 7.1 (Sergi Sales) and 8.1 (Ignacio López @ornitho.cat).

© Ricard Gutiérrez, 5.1.2019
© Ricard Gutiérrez, 5.1.2019
© Ricard Gutiérrez, 5.1.2019

(2) Baix Llobregat. After watching and recording the bird above on 5.1 between 12:00 and 12:40, what seems very probably another different bird has  been heard calling six times at 13:05 hours at the SW edge of the Filipines marsh,  by the Vidala canal of Remolar lagoon, close to the S bend of if in front of the old hide of La Vidala here. The bird number (1) has been seen again at its place at before and after (c.16h) this sighting so almost certainly this bird (2) is a new individual (José Luís Copete, Dave McAdams).

  • nCuereta citrina / Citrine Wagtail Motacilla citreola (n=1)

(1) Baix Ebre.A bird was found near Los Bascos, Deltebre, Delta de l’Ebre, Baix Ebre comarca on 31.1 (Quim Minoves). See photos enclosed.

© Quim Minoves, 30.1.2019
© Quim Minoves, 30.1.2019
© Quim Minoves, 30.1.2019
© Quim Minoves, 30.1.2019
© Quim Minoves, 30.1.2019


  • Piula grossa / Richard’s Pipit  Anthus richardi (n=5)
© David Bigas, 2.1.2019

(1-4) Montsià. There were three birds during the month around El Serrallo area, Sant Jaume d’Enveja, Delta de l’Ebre, Montsià (David Bigas). On 2.1 one was near La Comandanta (Marc Gàlvez, José Guerra), later seen and heard too (Helena Arbonés, Ricard Gutiérrez). On 3.1 it was still there (Luis Gracia).  The same 2.1 there was a bird at Finca Api i Julivert, between camí del Matà and Els Muntells that may be part of the initial 3 birds group (David Bigas, photo enclosed). On 4.1 there was one ‘adult type’ at Camí del Serrallo junction (David Bigas, José Luís Copete, Dave McAdams), photo, perhaps one of those seen on 2.1, while on 5.1 three birds were seen at Sant Jaume d’Enveja beach (Sergi Sales) plus another at the El Matà track later that might be a different bird (Sergi Sales). On 8.1 one was near Sant Jaume d’Enveja depurating plant (Sergi Sales). On 10.1 it was still there (Ricard Gutiérrez), see photos below. Seen again on 26.1 (Josep Tantull, Roser Solé).

© David Bigas, 4.1.2019

(5) Baix Ebre. One was reported from cruilla port fangar and the road Ampolla – Deltebre on 5.1 (Manolo Sánchez-Blanch).




© Luis Gracia, 3.1.2019

© Luis Gracia, 3.1.2019

© Luis Gracia, 3.1.2019
© Sergi Sales, 5.1.2019
© Sergi Sales, 5.1.2019
© Ricard Gutiérrez, 10.1.2019
© Ricard Gutiérrez, 10.1.2019
© Ricard Gutiérrez, 10.1.2019


  • Grasset de costa  / Rock Pipit Anthus petrosus (n=1)

(1) Montsià.On 7.1 one was found at Punta de la Banya, Delta de l’Ebre, Montsià (David Bigas,Toni Curcó). See a photo enclosed (David Bigas).

© David Bigas, 7.1.2019



  • Siberian Stonechat Saxicola maurus (1)

(1) Montsià.. On 5.1 a putative female was found at Tancada marshes, Delta de l’Ebre, Montsià (Cristian Jensen, Eduard Barrachina, Núria Pélach, Gaia Jensen, Eugeni Capella). See a thumbnail enclosed. Identification is difficult in this taxon but several diagnostic features were seen. Further photos from the authors pointed more clearly towards maurus. Despite the ssp was not clear. On 8.1 it was seen again (Sergi Sales, Ricard Gutiérrez) and on 9.1 too (Ricard Gutiérrez). Trapped and ringed on 10.1 (David Bigas, Gerard Batalla; Ricard Gutiérrez), samples taken for genetic study, and seen later too (Ponç Feliu, Aleix Comas) and 11.1 (Josep Tantull, Roser Solé, Albert Cama) to 12.1 (Gil Mir @ornitho.cat) and 13.1 (Quique Carballal; Josep Tantull, Roser Solé). Still at La Tancada on 14.1 (Xavier Parra @ornitho.cat), 15.1 (Javier Subirats, Jordi Jover; Toni Alonso, Daniel Roca, Enric Fontcuberta @ornitho.cat; Màrius Domingo; Marcel Gil), 16.1 (Vicente Francisco Tamarit @ornitho.cat; Ramón Ruiz Jarillo). Still at la Tancada dunes on 19.1 (Jaoione Echarte), 20.1 (Joan Pujol @ornitho.cat; Manolo Sánchez-Blanch; Ramon Prat, Pere Baucells –photo-, Carles Martorell @ornitho.cat), 22.1 (Enric Fontcuberta, Sergi Torné, Jordi Jover R.) and 26.1 (Josep Tantull, Roser Solé). nSeen again on 27.1 (Martí Franch; Harold Wijts @ornitho.cat) and 30.1 (Quim Minoves) to 31.1 (Mayca Martí).


© Ricard Gutiérrez / David Bigas 10.1.2019
© Ricard Gutiérrez / David Bigas 10.1.2019
© Ricard Gutiérrez / David Bigas 10.1.2019
© Ricard Gutiérrez / David Bigas 10.1.2019
© Ricard Gutiérrez / David Bigas 10.1.2019
© Ricard Gutiérrez / David Bigas 10.1.2019